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Demystifying Endotoxin: Targeting microbial lipopolysaccharides to quench the fire within

12 Feb 2025
6:00pm - 9:00pm CST

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12 Feb 2025
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The Austin Functional Forum is excited to bring Dr. Tom O'Bryan for a paradigm shifting lecture on a topic critical to preventing and revising chronic illness. 



Event Timing


6pm Doors and Networking

7-8:30pm Lecture plus Q+A

8:30pm Networking



 Sushi and Sake will be available - feel free to bring you own food and drinks if you prefer.


Disease-free Centenarians consistently have significantly lower levels of endotoxin (LPS) compared to both 'Healthy' controls, and those with a history of acute myocardial infraction, who are 60 years younger! We know that both 14 of the 15 causes of death and all 9 of the well established hallmarks of again are fueled by 1 common thread- chronic low-grade chronic inflammation. Thus, whether the focus is on life-sustaining, or life-enhancing protocols, addressing chronic low-grade inflammatory is primary. 


But where does LPS come from?

What is driving it's production and disbursement?

How does it's survival (via biofilm production) enhance its resistance to treatment?

How does the body respond to systemic LPS infiltration?


For example, the majority of LPS (60%) circulates bound to high density Lipoprotein (HDL)

LPS can be modulated, or better yet, controlled.


Simple, speedy, extremely sensitive, and specific test for endotoxin determination are established and commercially available. This presentation will address the production, infiltration, protective mechanisms and systemic circulation of LPS and therapeutic protocols to arrest and reserve its damaging effects.


You'll glean insights to:

  • Environments where LPS flourishes
  • Health concerns in which LPS plays a role 
  • What happens when LPS accumulates over a lifetime and the risk of sepsis
  • The relationship between microbiome health and LPS
  • Protocols for quenching the systemic fire initiated by LPS 





12 Feb 2025
6:00pm - 9:00pm CST

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  • Unique Sake Tap Toom 440 E St Elmo Rd, Austin, TX 78745, USA